
24 February 2012

Day 5 of No Naps

I knew this would happen eventually.  I guess this was the first time we'd been in the car in the late afternoon since we've started the drop off.  So today we get in the car after going to the bank and grocery store, and I say to Sadie, "Now don't you go to sleep!" (kind of teasing her)  And she says, "Okay! I won't!" Or something like that.  The last thing I heard her say in the car, about 5 minutes into our trip to the grandparents, was, "I'm thirsty."  I said okay and that we'll get something at Papa and Tabby's. Satisfied, she fell asleep in a heartbeat!  Okay, well I was hoping to put her down at 8pm that evening, our hopeful bedtime these days, but I knew then that that was out the picture.  She was so zonked--there was just no way I could wake her up a few minutes later when we got there.  (Trust me, I tried!  --One time she looked completely awake and was just smiling at me...then she turned over and went back to sleep!)  So I laid her on the couch and let her finish her nap.  It was probably at about 45 minutes that grandma picked her up and carried her around to gently wake her.  We didn't want her to sleep away the evening and be up all night!  Yikes!  I have to expect these car naps to happen every now and then, especially at this age.  She happily stayed awake all evening (letting us watch a movie) until the car ride hope around 10:25pm.I know, late, right?  But that's where flexibility comes in.  So she can sleep in tomorrow a little.  
I forgot to mention that she did try to have "quiet time" in her room.  I put the  music on and laid her in the bed and told her to just rest.  Of course when she came into my room where I was watching a movie I didn't turn her away from wanting to cuddle with me!  Too hard to pass up--I'm a softy when it comes to cuddling.  At least she did get some much-needed body rest.  We will definitely keep that as part of our day.  Quiet Time, Rest Time, whatever you want to call it.  We both will need it.
I have to say, the saddest part about this, if we do decide to keep this as the standard, is that my little girl is growing up.  Deep in my heart, I don't want her to stop taking naps.  That means she's not really a toddler anymore, in my eyes.  But a girl getting ready to go to school and all that comes with it!  I'm not ready!!
I also feel like there may be people who think I'm depriving the poor girl of sleep. Hey now!  She may be tired at times in the day, but aren't we all!  

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