
21 February 2012

No Nap...Day 2

Once again, Sadie lights up to the fact that she does not have to take a nap today.  I love the sheer joy on her face when we talk about it.  I'm loving not having to go through the bedtime process twice in one day with her, I have to say.  That's not to say it's always difficult.  It's just time-consuming, and it cuts into whatever we're doing.  It gives me more one-on-one time with her while our little rascal sleeps as well.  There's time for us to talk uninterrupted.  Time for us to put a puzzle together with no tiny brother hands flashing and grabbing, carelessly littering pieces to the floor.  Speaking of puzzles... Her tiredness hit her about 2pm, demonstrated by the droopy look on her precious face.  We were laying out a puzzle on the big dining room table, high enough to be out of reach from Mr. Sticky Hands. I asked her to flip over the pieces for us so that we could see only the picture sides, while I got Titus prepared to go down for his later than usual nap. Just when I thought everything was going beautifully with Sadie, I heard the fluttering of cardboard hitting the wooden floors like rain behind me.  What is she doing? I thought.  Puzzles were apparently above her tired capabilities for the moment, because she proceeded to explain to me that the pieces wouldn't turn over good.  That's when she decided to just throw them to the floor, as if to say, You're no good for me.  I tell her she has to pick them up, she comes out from behind Mr. Hyde, and we proceed (or I should say, I) to put the puzzle together with ease (after Sticky is in bed).
That was episode 1. have to understand.  My kids are pretty good kids.  Temper tantrums and meltdowns are fairly irregular in our household.  When they happen, we do our best to deal with the heart issues when we can, and grace over things when needed.  Tonight, the No Nap Monster-ess showed up again.  (The other thing I wanted to add was that I'm watching a baby twice a week, and the attention is spread a little more thin than they'd like--and both my children are trying their hardest to let me know it!)
(Oh, I forgot to mention that around 3:00 I ask Sadie, "Sadie, are you sleepy?" And she says, "No." And smiles.  And I say, "Sadie, you can tell me the truth.  I'm not going to make you take a nap, remember?  Are you sleepy?"  Sheepishly she looks at me, lets out a sigh, and says, "Yes." I couldn't call her on the was just too darn cute and funny.)
Back to episode 2...I call Sadie upstairs to get ready for bed at 7:30pm, after several warnings.  She's playing with her Littlest Pet Shop.  She agrees to come, not agreeing to clean up her toys, and after the third call to come.  She trudges up the stairs.  Just as I think she's going to be agreeable, she turns on me.  Gently I describe the plan of teeth, potty and PJs to her, she suddenly exclaims, "Noooo!  I'm GOING DOWN STAIRS TO GO TO SLEEP!  I don't LIKE going POTTY!"  Okay?  What was that?!  I calmly suggest to her that she start listening and obeying or she'll lose a book (we start out with 5 for the bedtime routine, something we recently started as inspired by my dear Cousin Sarah).  That gets her back into somewhat of a right mode again, and we slowly but surely get her to bed at a decent time, with only 2 books to spare.  As we're settling in for the books, back to normal, she says ever so sweetly, "Mommy, I'm sorry we got down to 2 books."  "Me too.  We have tomorrow night to work on that then, right?" I ask.  "Yeah."  That's my girl.
Okay, so maybe she isn't ready?  Yet again, maybe just a little more time to adjust is needed?  Time will tell.

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